Data / Infra details

Data / Infra details

  1. How is your data safe?

    1. Out Servers are hardened to core with zero trust policy.

    2. Our storage volumes are encrypted where without keys the data can never be retrieved.

    3. Even the databases are encrypted.

    4. All the data transfer is secure via HTTPS transaction where data is well encapsulated.

    5. We offer the highest security measure is always provided to the system.

  2.  Maintenance steps by Trundl

    1. Daily backups

      1. We have daily backups scheduled for the servers.

      2. A full system Image backups also are taken.

      3. In case of system restore we will have always have the most recent backup from which the server can be spun up.

    2. Patching of servers

      1. Patches can improve server performance.

      2. Patches can update the server’s security, ensuring that servers are protected against cybercriminals.

      3. A proper server patch management process ensures server security by installing the latest patches and security updates.

      4. A proper server patch management process ensures optimal performance of the servers with minimum downtime.

      5. Patch management addresses security vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.

      6. Patch management addresses performance issues that may prevent certain applications from functioning well or at all.

      7. Patch management enables new software to be installed that otherwise could not.

      8. Patch management may address certain compliance requirements.

      9. We do the patching every month, so the systems don’t miss out any updates.

    3. Disk Encryption

      1. EBS encryption lets your volume with a data key using industry-standard AES-256 data encryption.

      2. Data at rest inside the volume.

      3. All data moving between the volume and the instance.

      4. All snapshots created from the volume.

      5. All volumes created from those snapshots.