Secure Forms for Jira - Intro

A dynamic form that captures information across multiple categories AND offers you the option to secure sensitive data at each stage of the process in compliance with the highest standards of data privacy for your Jira and JSM users.

Secure Forms allows Jira cloud users to create their own form for each issue type which includes fields and attachment folders and comes with special security features where you can restrict permission (user/group/project role) to view/edit each field or folder attachments. This form restriction works on the customer portal (JSM) along with Jira Software.

Secure forms for Jira also provides the option to store your attachments in your own location like AWS, Azure & Goggle Cloud thus empowering the user to have more control on their data.

To provide more security, the app also gives you the ability to store all the form data including the fields in the form and their values (configuration and response) along with the respective audit logs on your own location. Now that’s secure!