SARJ Organizer
In SARJ, Participants can configure there working days and work start time and end time. So, before assignment of any task SARJ will always check is user available or not.
If Project Admin/ SARJ Admin wants to assign the task based on participants working days and working time, then they have to enable the organizer with the project.
How to enable the Organizer in project?
Step 1: Open SARJ from apps and click on Organizer from the SARJ options.
Step 2: Enable the toggle button near to the Organizer.
Once the organizer is enabled with the project then participants or SARJ admin can create organizer for the team members. once the organizer is created for the user, SARJ will always check it before assigning any tickets.
Manage organisers
With the ability to manage Organizers, you can set up approval for organizer which is created by the users. This approval will be sent to Project/SARJ Admin and only after its approved, SARJ would check those organizers.
You just need to click on manage organizer then enable/disable Skip Approval button.
If Organizer needs approval, then SARJ Admin will see all those requests in ‘Manage Approvals’ Gadget in SARJ Dashboard .
Click on Details button it will open a popup like a below screen and then SARJ admin can review this and approve it or reject it.
Import/Export Organisers
SARJ also provides an option where you can import organizer from csv file and can export existing organizer to many formats like CSV, PDF, XLSX.
Organisers Export
Organisers Import
To import the organizer, you can download the format of the file from the format button and prepare your import file as per the format and import it from browse options.
Once file is uploaded, SARJ will show you the configuration which is going to be created from this import. You need to verify it and click on save, then you can see all the organizer you have created.
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