How to access SARJ

How to access SARJ

Ask your Jira site administrator to grant you access to your desired project if you are not a Project admin.
Refer to this page for the same.

If you are a team member / contributor -

You can access SARJ from the Apps menu. Just click on Apps>>Smart Assignments and Rotations for Jira (SARJ)

  • It will take you to SARJ Dashboard, where you can add all the gadgets you require from the list.
    (Note - You will only see gadgets that are applicable to you, example if you are not a SARJ admin, you will not see 'Manage Approvals' gadget.)

  • Use this dashboard to manage your work and provide inputs to your SARJ admins using respective gadgets.

If you are a Project admin -

  • Scroll to your respective projects and go to project settings.

  • Find and click on Smart Assignments and Rotations for Jira under the Apps Menu

    image (1).png

  • Turn the toggle on to enable SARJ and start creating your schedules/rotations. You will now be able to see the project and its related config in SARJ Dashboard.

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