
Who doesn't appreciate reports?

We're embarking on our data understanding journey with two simple gadgets that we've found to be very helpful for teams seeking insights into their working patterns.

Pie Chart displays the time logged per role in the project. It bears resemblance to the cost tracker pie chart but offers customization options such as color configuration and team member selection/deselection in role when in edit mode.

Line chart presents a view of time logged by month and week, enabling you to monitor your team's total project hours. It provides insight into time within your project.


Click on ‘expand’ icon, to get a maximized view of both reports.

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Pie chart

This pie chart illustrates the relationship between roles and their respective users. To explore user-centric time logs for a specific role, simply click on the corresponding slice. To navigate back to the role view, click on any slice.

In the detailed display, you can select roles from the legend on the right-hand side. Hover over any name or role on the left to highlight the corresponding slice on the pie chart.

Furthermore, you have the option to customize the colors of the pie chart slices representing roles. Access the color editing feature by clicking on the three dots and selecting “Edit” and clicking on color picker to change the color.
You can exclude duplicate users assigned to multiple roles or remove them from reports. Specify a start and end date to view time logs within a specific date range. Additionally, modify the chart title by clicking on the text field located at the top of the report.

"Save" feature showcases recent changes like color tweaks and date range adjustments. Please note that these updates may not show up after a refresh. On the other hand, modifications such as deselecting a user or editing the title will be visible.


Line chart

This line chart showcases the relationship between the hours logged in months and weeks. You have the option to see data from previous and future months (if available) by clicking on "<" and ">", respectively. To go back to today's date, just click on today. Hover on the any blue dot to see the total hours logged in that certain month and certain week range.

To switch from the Month view to the Week view, simply select the "Month" dropdown located next to "Time trend" and choose either Month or Week.