Once the form is Configured with the Issue type Form can be submitted from the Issue view Section.

Once the form submitted, we can download form value report in pdf format for a single-Issue, for multiple issue form value report we can export it in xslx format.

Single Issue Form Report:

To download Single issue Form Report Open the issue View Section and find Secure form section in that you can see option to download the form value report. This report will generate based on the user permission.

If you don't have permission to view the field that field will not come in the Report too.

Multiple Issue Form Report:

To download multiple issue form report you should have system admin or Project Admin access then only report can be generated. To access the report open project setting then click on secure form option. Now based on form you can download report.

You can't download all the form report together, Issue form report is based on form.

To download report, click on Form option you can see option of export to XLS.