Rotations are part of Honcho where all the magic happens! Rotations are where you can configure all the rules tailored to suit your needs.
You can configure the time of the day, the date range, the participants (or teams) of the rotation, or even particular field(s) of an issue (such as priority, components, etc.) for which the auto-assignment rules apply.
There are two types of Rotation Types:
Fixed Rotation - All incoming issues within the selected time interval be assigned to only one person.
A Project Manager can select this option when an issue assignment to a certain participant or a group of participants is predetermined.
Let us assume there are 3 team members (A, B and C) involved in a project. Honcho allows you to automatically assign all issues to A for a specific duration- for eg., 9 AM- 11 AM. Post completion of that duration, all incoming issues will be automatically assigned to B for the next slot (i.e. 11 AM- 1 PM), and finally, all the incoming issues will be assigned to the third member, C for the same fixed duration (1 PM-3 PM). This works on a rotational basis, which means once all the participants are covered, all issues will be redirected to A once again.
This option works particularly well in a small team when each member has different shift timings.
Distributed Rotation - Incoming issues are assigned to all members in a round-robin manner.
For auto-assignment of issues based on Distributed Rotation, Honcho assigns them to team members one at a time. Unlike Fixed Rotation, irrespective of the flow of issues during a particular time span, issues will be assigned equally.
This option is especially useful for larger teams, where more than one member is a part of a shift.
Based on your understanding of Jira, Honcho allows two configuration options for Rotations. Click on the links below to read more about them.