In Sarj Availability is a place where participants can configure their Break times, planned vacation and time zone which they work. So, before assignment of any task SARJ will always check is user is in break time or in planned vacation.
If Project Admin/ Sarj Admin wants to assign the task based on user Availability, then they have to enable the availability with the project.
How to enable the availability in project?
Step 1: In Project Setting search option of Smart Assignments and Rotations for Jira
Step 2: Click on Organizers from the Sarj app options.
Step 3: Enable the toggle button near to the availabilty.
Once the availability is enabled with the project then participants can create availability for them self only.
This availability will be applicable in all the project user don't have to create availability project specific.
once the availability is enabled in the project and availability is configured by the user then Sarj will always check it before assigning any tickets.